Work and Energy
- Energy is a measure of the cost to perform some action.
- The SI unit of energy is the Joule:
m^2 1 Joule = 1 kg * ----- s^2
One Joule is a very small amount of energy. - Work is the energy spent by a force acting through a distance:
Work = (force) * (distance parallel to force)
or, in generalWork = (force) * (displacement) * cos(theta)
where theta is the angle between the direction of the force and the displacement. - The unit of work is Newtons times meters, which turns out to be the same as Joules.
- When a force acts in the same direction as displacement, it performs positive work (speeds things up).
- When a force acts in the direction opposite to displacement, it performs negative work (slows things down).
- Kinetic energy is another sort of energy, associated with moving objects:
KE = 0.5 * (mass) * (speed)^2
- One can change the kinetic energy of an object by doing work on it:
work done on object = change in kinetic energy = KE(final) - KE(initial) 2 2 = 0.5 * M * v - 0.5 * M * v f i
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