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Hi I am Sajjad Hussain Mirani Student Of Sindh University I hope You Enjoy My Site This Site IS About Chemistry Department Sindh University.

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Free Chemistry Tutorials

Free Chemistry Tutorials           (Icusj)
Why Study Chemistry? Careers in Chemistry Branches of Chemistry What is a Pure Substance? The Cooling Curve  Chemical and Physical Change
What is a Mixture?
Separation of Mixtures
What is Stoichiometry?
Dalton's Atomic Theory
Law of Definite Proportions
Law of Multiple Proportions
Law of Conservation of Matter
Gay Lussac’s Law of Combining Volumes
Avogadro’s Law
Chemical Symbols
Chemical Formulas
Empirical Formulas
Chemical Equation
Relative Atomic Mass
The Mole
Molar Mass
What is Molarity
What is Molality
Gas Laws
Ideal Gas Equation
Dalton's Law of Partial Pressure
Graham's Law of Diffusion
The Kinetic Theory of Matter
Deviations from Ideal Gas Behavior
Effect of Collisions on Pressures
Limitations of the Kinetic Theory
Application of the Kinetic Theory of Matter
Brownian Movement
The Discovery of Electrons
The Discovery of Protons
Concept of Atoms and Molecules
Neils Bohr Atomic Model
Quantum Numbers and Orbitals
Electronic Configuration
Examples of Electronic Configuration
Atomic Symbol
The Periodic Table and Periodicity of Elements
Properties of Alkaline Metals
Properties of Alkaline Earth Metals
The Halogens
Properties of Noble Gases
Variation in Physical Properties of Elements Across the Periodic Table
What is Chemical Bonding?
Ionic Bonding
Covalent Bonding
What is Valency?
Co-ordinate Bonding
Metallic Bonding
van der waals Forces
What is Hydrogen Bonding?
Shape of Simple Molecules
What is Radioactivity?
Types of Radiation
What is Half–Life?
Nuclear Reactions
What is Air?
Noble Gases and their Uses
Water - Composition and Reaction
Soft and Hard Water
Removal of Hardness from Water
Purification of Town Water Supplies
Water of Crystallization
Efflorescence, Hygroscopy, and Deliquescence
Environmental Polution
What is Green House Effects?
Ozone Layer Depletion
Water Pollution
Oil Spillage
Soil Pollution
What is a Solution?
What is Solubility?
What is Solubility Product?
Organic Solvents
What is a Suspension? What is a Colloid?
The Concepts of Acids and Bases
What is Basicity of Acids
How to Determine Strength of Acids
Properties of Acids
Uses of Acids
Methods of Preparation of Acids
The Arrhenius Concept of Bases
What is an Alkali?
What is Neutralization Reaction?
The BrØnsted-Lowry Concept of Acids And Bases
The Lewis Concept of Acids and Bases
Acid-Base Indicators
What is Salt?
What is Hydration?
Methods of Preparation of Salts
Uses of Salts
Conductance of an Electrolyte
pH as a Scale of Acidity
Oxidation and Reduction Reactions
Oxidation Number
Balancing Oxidation-Reduction Equations
Test for Oxidizing and Reducing Agents
Nomenclature of Inorganic Compounds
Electrolysis and Electrolytes
The Electrochemical Series
Electrodes, Anode, Cathode
Electrolytic Cell
Uses of Electrolysis
Electrode Potential
Voltaic Cell
Prediction of Spontaneous Redox Reactions
Corrosion as an Electrolytic Process
Removal of Rust from Iron
Energy Changes in Reactions
Use of Energy Level Diagram
Types of Heat Change
Entropy as Order-Disorder Phenomenon
Spontaneity of Reactions
Gibbs Free Energy
The Rate of Chemical Reaction
Catalysts and Chemical Reactions
The Order of a Chemical Reaction
Collision Theory
Effect of Light on Some Reactions
Reversible Reactions
The Law of Mass Action and The Rate Equation
Equilibrium Law and Equilibrium Constant
Rules for Writing Equilibrium Constant Expressions
Le Chatelier’s Principle

Factors Affecting the Position of Equilibrium
Production of Hydrogen
Properties and Uses of Hydrogen
What Are Halogens?
Hydrochloric Acid
Oxides and Ozone
Sulphur(IV) oxide
Trioxosulphate(IV) Acid
Tetraoxosulphate(VI) Acid
Hydrogen Sulphide
Sodium and its compound
Calcium and its Compounds
Aluminium and its Properties
Tin and its Properties
Transition Metals and their Properties
Iron and its Properties
Copper and its Properties
Nitrogen and its Properties
Ammonia and its Properties


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